Fuyu no Semi - Sketches

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Fuyu no Semi Douga Aイ OP - Cut 6 (00:02:20)
Source: OVA
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Added 6/21/2009
Updated 6/21/2009
Fuyu no Semi OP - Cut 6 - Keiichirou Akizuki & Touma Kusaka - Rilezu + A1 + + Aイ + B1 + + 修正

Atemberaubende Vorspann Szene mit Akizuki und Kusaka kriegsmäßig gekleidet.

Breathtaking opening scene with Akizuki and Kusaka dressed for war.

Die Maße in cm | Size in cm:
W: 26,8
H: 24,4

Originalszene | original scene (00:02:20):

    Previous: Fuyu no Semi Douga イ OP - Cut 6 (00:02:20) Next: Fuyu no Semi Douga B1 OP - Cut 6 (00:02:20)    

Curator: Kizuna
Gallery Created: 7/30/2005
Hits: 18447

Presentation 9.31/10   Collection 9.20/10   Overall 9.08/10   Votes 76 votes
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