KIZUNA 2 - Douga

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Douga 3 Kizuna 2 - (00:17:31)
Source: OVA
Layers: 0
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A(1)
Standard size

Key Cel
No Background

Added 9/13/2005
Updated 1/20/2007
Kizuna OVA 2 - Masanori Araki - Douga + Cel

Masa besucht plötzlich Ranmaru und Kei zu Hause, weil ihm zu Ohren gekommen ist, daß Kai dort aufhält.

Masa suddenly visit Ranmarun and Kei at home, because he heard that Kai is staying there.

Die Maße in cm | Size in cm:
W: 26,8
H: 24,4

Originalszene | original scene (00:17:31):

    Previous: Douga 15 Kizuna 2 - (00:16:00) Next: Douga 5 Kizuna 2 - (00:17:53)    

Curator: Kizuna
Gallery Created: 7/30/2005
Hits: 18447

Presentation 9.31/10   Collection 9.20/10   Overall 9.08/10   Votes 76 votes
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