Welcome to my Kizuna Cel Gallery!!!

Here you can find my little Kizuna Cel collection ... (^_^) ... please visite the Gallery of my daughter and her Fanpage too, if you're interestet in Shonen-Ai and/or YAOI ... (^_^) ...

News & Updates

6/21/2009Fake update:
Fake Cel 9 + Fake Douga 9
Fake Cel 10 + Fake Genga 10
Fake Cel 11 + Fake Douga 11
Fake Cel 12
Fuyu no Semi (Winter Cicada):
Rilezu 1 + A9 + B8 + C8 + D2 End
Rilezu 2 + A1 + + Aイ + B1 + + 修正
6/20/2009Kizuna update:
Kizuna Douga 52
Kizuna Cel 53 + Kizuna Douga 53
Kizuna Cel 54
Kizuna Cel 55 + Kizuna Douga 55
7/30/2005Kizuna Cel Gallery now open.

eXTReMe Tracker


Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
Kazuma Kodaka (5) 12/26/2015
*Presents* (3) 9/2/2006
AI NO KUSABI 1 - Cels (3) 11/1/2012
AI NO KUSABI 2 - Cels (1) 10/24/2012
BE-BOY - Cels (2) 10/24/2012
BE-BOY - Douga (2) 10/24/2012
BNSH 1 - BGs (1) 12/27/2007
BNSH 1 - Cels (1) 10/26/2007
BNSH 1 - Genga (3) 12/27/2007
BNSH 2 - BGs (1) 11/7/2012
BNSH 2 - Cels (1) 11/7/2012
BNSH 2 - Cels+BGs (1) 11/7/2012
BNSH 3 - BGs (2) 11/7/2012
BNSH 3 - Cels (2) 11/7/2012
BNSH 3 - Cels+BGs (2) 11/7/2012
FAKE - Cels (19) 11/26/2012
FAKE - Douga (17) 11/26/2012
FAKE - Genga (1) 6/21/2009
Fuyu no Semi - Rilezu (2) 6/21/2009
Fuyu no Semi - Sketches (10) 6/21/2009
KIZUNA 1 - BGs (2) 6/19/2009
KIZUNA 1 - Cels (39) 6/20/2009
KIZUNA 1 - Cels+BGs (4) 6/19/2009
KIZUNA 1 - Douga (32) 6/20/2009
KIZUNA 2 - Cels (15) 6/20/2009
KIZUNA 2 - Douga (14) 6/20/2009

Curator: Kizuna
Gallery Created: 7/30/2005
Hits: 18361

Presentation 9.31/10   Collection 9.20/10   Overall 9.08/10   Votes 76 votes
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